/ Imprint

nic.at GmbH
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8/V
5020 Salzburg
Phone: +43 662 46 69 -0

E-Mail: service@nic.at
Website: www.nic.at

Nature and purpose of business:
Allocation and administration of .at, .co.at and .or.at domains

Managing directors: 
Richard Wein and Mag. Robert Schischka

Commercial registry:
Commercial registry no.: FN 172568b
Court of jurisdiction: Landesgericht Salzburg
VAT-No.: ATU45305101
Supervisory authority: Magistrate of the city Salzburg
Chamber affiliation: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Trade law: Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act

Bank account:
UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Schotteng. 6-8, A-1010 Wien
Account Number.: 660 497 942, BLZ: 12000
IBAN: AT52 1200 0006 6049 7942
payable to: nic.at GmbH

Image copyrights:
Front page: Horst Köpfelsberger – designkraft.at / pictures: thinkstockphotos-RuthBlack

Freepik / Shutterstock