/ Archive

/ nic.at News - 06.03.2023 07:54
New RcodeZero DNS TLD Anycast node in Geneva

For TLD operators, permanent availability, optimal performance, short response times and maximum protection of the DNS infrastructure are of the highest priority. To guarantee this, Anycast technology has become industry standard and almost every TLD has one or more Anycast providers.

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/ Events - 15.02.2023 06:50
SAVE THE DATE – Domain pulse 2024 in Vienna

Last week, Domain pulse 2023, organised by our Swiss SWITCH colleagues, was a success. At the end of the event, the traditional handover of the baton took place and it was announced where the next Domain pulse would take place.

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/ nic.at News - 16.01.2023 07:50
“I use my domain to show that I am rooted in Austria."

Karin Zeiler writes copy and designs texts for companies from all over the German-speaking world. She secured her domain www.textur.co.at back in 2006. In an interview she reveals why she is very happy with it, despite the fact that it was actually her second choice.

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/ nic.at News - 21.12.2022 14:04
nic.at fulfils pupils a heart's desire for Christmas

This year we are again supporting the “Kindertraum” foundation and fulfilling a heart's desire for the general special school in Lower Austria. 

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/ nic.at News - 20.12.2022 12:00
“It’s better to register multiple domains with keywords.“

Anja Kainz runs a travel agency offering personalised holiday experiences in Sri Lanka. For the Austrian native, her website – www.sri-tours.at – is the most important marketing tool of all. So it stands to reason that the entrepreneur took steps to secure a large number of domains.

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/ nic.at News - 10.11.2022 06:03
"If we had taken too long over the registration, the domain would no longer have been available."

The Gartenfuchs plant nursery has been in family hands for 70 years. For the flower-loving family, their website is their calling card – but they did not snap up the gartenfuchs.at domain until the very last moment.

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/ nic.at News - 19.10.2022 11:36
Iceland is new RcodeZero DNS TLD costumer

Another European top-level domain, Iceland, has selected the Anycast service RcodeZero DNS. The registry ISNIC (Internet á Íslandi hf) based in Reykjavík manages and operates the technical infrastructure for the country-specific top-level domain .is.

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/ nic.at News - 05.10.2022 01:19
"Better to overdo it a little and secure a lot of domains"

Daniel Donhauser is the co-founder of the three Maikai fitness studios in Salzburg. Maikai’s mission is to stand out from other gyms through its high-tech equipment. And the domain strategy is an important marketing tool for this. In our interview, Donhauser explains why the company has registered several .at domains.

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/ nic.at News - 21.09.2022 13:03
nic.at joins the ccNSO

The council of the country code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) - a global platform within ICANN - approved nic.at as the newest member on August 19, 2022. As the 173rd member, the ccNSO warmly welcomed .at to its membership and looks forward to a “fruitful collaboration”.

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/ nic.at News - 25.08.2022 06:12
New series: "SMEs in focus"

The start-up and initial growth phase of a company is an exciting time. The domain often plays a subordinate role, yet it is an important component of digital visibility on the internet, and of the marketing strategy. In the beginning, start-ups have a lot of questions: Which domain name is the right one? When do multiple domains make sense? How is SEO related to the choice of domain?

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/ Events - 25.04.2022 04:02
Domain pulse 2022 – the largest domain conference in the DACH region

After a two-year break due to the pandemic, it's back: Domain pulse 2022 will take place this year from 17 May to 18 May 2022 at the Plenarsaal in Bonn (Germany).

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/ nic.at News - 28.01.2022 07:27
28 January – European Data Protection Day

Data protection and privacy are terms that have been ever-present in the media and our everyday lives for many years now. With the number of ways of exchanging information rising all the time and technological progress accelerating at breakneck speed, both subjects are now a major international priority. The importance of personal data as a sensitive area was formally recognised on 28 January 1981 when the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data was opened for signature by the Council of Europe. Today, 28 January is no longer just observed in Europe, but celebrated the world over as Data Privacy Day. We took this special day as our cue to talk to some of our colleagues whose work at nic.at revolves around data protection.

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/ nic.at News - 12.01.2022 14:08
10 years of Anycast Service RcodeZero DNS – Listen in and celebrate!

What would a birthday be without the right music? We have created a playlist on Spotify in honour of the tenth anniversary of our Anycast service RcodeZero DNS.

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/ nic.at News - 20.12.2021 08:34
nic.at fulfils a heart's desire for Jessica

We look back on a successful year - a year in which we introduced new services and were able to implement numerous projects. Therefore, we would like to share some of our success at Christmas and are proud to support the Stiftung Kindertraum foundation.

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/ Press-Reports - 18.11.2021 08:49
RcodeZero DNS: From new entrant to top international provider

An outage or attack on the domain name system (DNS) can have a devastating impact on a company as it affects crucial services, including websites and e-mail systems. So it is essential that the DNS infrastructure is robust and failsafe. And this is where Anycast technology enters the frame: for ten years RcodeZero DNS, operated by nic.at sister company ipcom GmbH, has been keeping top level domain (TLD) issuing authorities’, providers’ and companies’ DNS infrastructure safe.

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