/ Archive

/ nic.at News - 25.01.2021 10:19
Hacking Sex Toys: The enemy in your own bedroom:

The so-called "Internet of Things" is a broad field and ranges from intelligent traffic lights to medical devices and equipment for the "smart home". However, numerous devices still have vulnerabilities and allow attackers to take over devices such as webcams, speakers or even surveillance cameras and thus spy on their users. Also smart sex toys, which Doris Hauser from the nic.at Operations Team investigated as part of her bachelor's thesis, pose a major risk.

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/ nic.at News - 04.01.2021 13:04
Explanation video: All-round protection for your domain

A domain is unique and valuable - that's exactly why you should protect it accordingly! For this purpose we offer various security products: Security Lock, DNSSEC and RcodeZero DNS. Here you can find a short overview and a detailed explanation video.

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/ nic.at News - 01.12.2020 10:51
Ask the experts: Everything about domain strategy

Anyone who wants to have long-term success on the Internet should think carefully about their domain strategy. This not only leads to higher, organic (i.e. naturally generated) traffic and ensures a good position for the website in the search engine results, but also contributes to brand awareness. We recently called for questions on this topic on social media, which we will now answer in this article.

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/ nic.at News - 23.11.2020 07:45
R&D News: Paper on DNS Magnitude published

What sounds at first  like a seismology term is actually to do with the Domain Name System: The "DNS Magnitude" has been developed by our Head of R&D Alex Mayrhofer together with his colleagues Michael Braunöder and Aaron Kaplan, and represents a DNS-based metric of the popularity of a domain. The idea for this was developed in 2016 and has now been finalized in the form of a comprehensive paper supported by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).

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/ nic-Report - 19.11.2020 10:20
nic//report 2020: COVID-19

At the end of a certainly unforgettable year 2020, this nic//report provides exciting insights and facts about the topic "COVID-19" and its impact on the domain industry.

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/ nic.at News - 28.10.2020 13:09
CENTR explanation video: ccTLDs and the fight against illegal content

As digitisation progresses, illegal online content unfortunately is also becoming increasingly common. No wonder, then, that the pressure on the so-called country-code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) to help in the fight against illegal online content is also growing. But what can ccTLD registries actually contribute as technical operators in the Internet infrastructure? CENTR explains the tasks of ccTLDs and their role in connection with online content in the recently published explanatory video.

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/ nic.at News - 20.10.2020 12:12
Charity Challenge 2020: We were there again!

Even COVID-19 does not stop our nic.at team from getting involved in a good cause: This is proven by the 2,941.66 kilometers we covered in the course of the Charity Challenge 2020 in the last weeks and months for the benefit of the “Herzkinder Österreich”. Last week the time had come: The ceremonial check handover took place on a small scale and of course in compliance with the necessary Corona safety rules.

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/ nic.at News - 01.10.2020 11:43
nic.at receives quality seal for workplace health promotion

In mid-September 2020, a total of 45 Salzburg companies and institutions were awarded the "Quality Seal for Workplace Health Promotion (BGF)" by the Austrian Health Insurance Fund - including nic.at. This is the highest Austrian award for exemplary and sustainable investments in the health of employees.

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/ nic.at News - 28.08.2020 07:32
Website languages in the .at-zone

Every few weeks, our Research & Development team analyses the home pages of all .at websites with regard to their language. This is done not only to get a more detailed overview of the .at-zone, but also for security reasons. After all, if the language of a website suddenly changes, this could sometimes indicate a hacking incident.

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/ nic.at News - 26.08.2020 04:55
Explanation video: The nic.at customer login

Very simple and convenient: If you have registered your domain directly with nic.at, you can easily make settings and changes yourself in the login area.

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/ nic.at News - 26.08.2020 04:52
Explanation video: How change your registrar or provider

Sometimes it is necessary to change the registrar or provider - for example when two households are merged. To ensure that this change runs smoothly, there are a few things that should be observed - otherwise there could be unpleasant surprises afterwards.

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/ nic.at News - 26.08.2020 04:47
Explanation video: The Who is Who in the world of domains

Registrar, registrant, registry ... the terms in the world of domains can sometimes be quite complicated. Not so easy to keep the overview!

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/ nic.at News - 25.08.2020 13:10
Explanation video: How to cancel a domain

Sometimes it happens that a domain is no longer needed - and then it is important to carry out the cancellation correctly to avoid unpleasant surprises afterwards.

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/ nic.at News - 25.08.2020 13:08
Explanation video: Tips & Tricks for the domain strategy

Every successful website needs a well thought-out domain strategy at the beginning. No matter if umlauts, hyphens or typos - there are a lot of things to consider!

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/ nic.at News - 25.08.2020 12:48
Explanation video: The nic.at Domainfinder

Have you ever experienced that the desired domain name is taken? Or the really good word creation just doesn't work? This is where the nic.at domain finder comes in: It guarantees that you will find the right .at-domain!

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