/ Archive

/ nic.at News - 25.08.2020 12:46
Explanation video: The nic.at partner finder

No matter if webspace, online store or security features: With the .at Partnerfinder you can easily filter according to the desired criteria and get suitable suggestions for the right partner provider within seconds!

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/ Press-Reports - 03.06.2020 18:48
DNS Belgium signs up for RcodeZero DNS anycast network

The Belgian registry DNS Belgium and ipcom (sister company of nic.at) have signed a cooperation agreement. All domains managed by DNS Belgium will additionally be hosted on the RcodeZero DNS anycast network powered by nic.at. The Belgian registry is responsible for the overall management of .be, .vlaanderen and .brussels with around 1.6 million domains.

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/ nic.at News - 06.05.2020 10:32
nic.at is part of the Austrian Public Service Blockchain

The Austrian Public Service Blockchain (APSB) is an initiative from the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer) and other public administration institutions - it enables electronic documents to be stored at a specific point in time with a corresponding time stamp. One of the so-called "Blockchain nodes" of the APSB is operated in nic.at's R&D Lab.

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/ Press-Reports - 22.04.2020 12:18
Finland, Ireland and Slovenia rely on RcodeZero DNS anycast technology powered by nic.at

ipcom (sister company of nic.at) is pleased to welcome three important European top level domains within its anycast network RcodeZero DNS. Both, the Finnish registry (TRAFICOM) and the Irish registry (IE Domain Registry) have already been able to convince themselves of the reliable service in the past weeks and implemented RcodeZero as secondary DNS provider to strengthen their DNS infrastructure. The Slovenian Registry (ARNES) has been using RcodeZero for many years and has extended its contract.

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/ nic.at News - 21.04.2020 09:05
nic.at employee develops artificial intelligence diagnosis for COVID-19

It is easier to identify COVID-19 diseases in an advanced stage by means of X-ray and computer tomography (CT) of the lungs, rather than by conventional PCR tests of throat swabs. nic.at employee Aaron Kaplan and his brother Hamilton have now developed an AI (artificial intelligence) device in their Vienna AI laboratory "Deep Insights", which is able to diagnose the so-called corona virus with a sensitivity rate of more than 90 percent, which could support diagnosis in hospitals. 

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/ nic.at News - 16.04.2020 07:13
Is my domain "worth its weight in gold"?

The price at which a domain is traded on the market depends on several factors. There are numerous tools that can help with a valuation. However, the results should be treated with caution.

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/ nic-Report - 14.04.2020 10:00
nic//report 2020: Domain pulse

With this nic//report - packed with articles about the exciting presentations of our speakers as well as numerous photos - we look back on a successful Domain pulse 2020 in Innsbruck. By the way: You can find the complete articles online in our news section

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/ nic.at News - 03.04.2020 06:18
April 1st-RFC by Alex Mayrhofer published by IETF

Yesterday, the so-called "April 1st RFCs" were published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). One of these Requests for Comments was submitted by nic.at R&D manager Alexander Mayrhofer and deals with the representation of IP addresses.

nic.at congratulates him on this great success!

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/ nic.at News - 31.03.2020 10:22
The "most connected man on earth": Total self-surveillance

Chris Dancy is known as the "Most Connected Man on Earth”. At Domain pulse in Innsbruck he told us why he thinks "digital detox" is a lie and why he regularly swaps his smartphone.

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/ nic.at News - 30.03.2020 13:24
Internet Governance: "ICANN doesn't have all the answers yet"

ICANN Chair Maarten Botterman spoke at Domain Pulse conference in Innsbruck, giving a key note address about his vision for Internet Governance and participated in a panel on Internet Governance with the "Next Generation":

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/ nic.at News - 30.03.2020 13:12
Analysis of .at domains: "The registry as a crystal ball"

One important key finding in advance: Domain names containing the word “pizza” have a higher renewal rate than other popular strings according to an analysis by nic.at’s Alexander Mayrhofer, nic.at’s head of Research and Development. At Domain pulse he looked at trends and interesting statistics that come from domain name registrations from the perspective of an ccTLD.

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/ nic.at News - 30.03.2020 13:04
Robot ethics: "Technology is never neutral"

Dr. Janina Loh is a philosopher of technology and media at the University of Vienna, and specialises in the ethical challenges involved in dealing with robots. During an interview at Domain pulse in Innsbruck, she talked about vacuum cleaner robots, values, and female voices.

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/ nic.at News - 30.03.2020 13:01
Millennials in the labour market: "We're on the brink of a systemic collapse"

Steffi Burkhart spoke at Domain pulse in Innsbruck about the millennial generation. The message: companies urgently need to reposition.

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/ nic.at News - 30.03.2020 11:54
5G panel discussion: "The free market cannot regulate everything"

The launch of the new 5G mobile phone technology raises questions about data protection. At a panel discussion at Domain pulse in Innsbruck, experts discussed the opportunities and dangers.

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/ nic.at News - 30.03.2020 11:49
The next generation of Internet Governance: "My commitment was considered uncool"

Liliane Leißer from Vienna is 21 years old, and has been involved in internet governance since she was 15. She is particularly active against cyberbullying and told us at Domain pulse about her commitment and the challenges for young people who want to join the discussion.

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