/ Archive

/ nic.at News - 30.03.2020 11:44
The next generation of Internet Governance: "Young people's opinions are not being heard"

Elisabeth Schauermann campaigns on behalf of the largest demographic group among Internet users: young people. At Domain pulse, she discussed the topic of Internet Governance in a top-class round table.

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/ nic.at News - 30.03.2020 11:40
Articial Intelligence as a future solution: “To err is human”

Manfred Müller is a training captain with Lufthansa. At Domain pulse he explained why artificial intelligence cannot replace humans, and why a large hierarchy gap leads to dangerous situations.

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/ nic.at News - 30.03.2020 11:33
The next generation of Internet Governance: "A bridge between technology and law"

Matthias Hudobnik is part of the young, emerging generation in the field of internet governance. He registered his first domain as a teenager. At Domain pulse 2020 in Innsbruck he talked about his commitment and how it came about.

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/ Press-Reports - 27.02.2020 17:17
Domain pulse 2020: Experts meet to discuss the future of the Internet

At this year's Domain pulse (the industry event of the German-language domain registries nic.at, denic and SWITCH) last week in Innsbruck, notable experts outlined the challenges that technological progress poses to society, and how the internet industry should react to them.

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/ nic.at News - 20.01.2020 09:34
The world of domain trading

Once upon a time, domain trading was synonymous with making a quick buck online. And some people have got extremely rich doing so. But the majority of domain traders are still waiting for that life-changing deal.

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/ nic.at News - 16.12.2019 14:20
10 must-haves for a website

There’s a lot to bear in mind when designing a new website – the finished article needs to be easy on the eye, as well as fully compliant with the latest legal requirements and technical standards. This article gives an overview of the ten things every website needs.

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/ nic-Report - 02.12.2019 13:27
nic//report 2019: Market Analysis

Current figures and trends are important for the development of our industry and our services: What is the first click on when searching for companies, artists and private individuals? Which criteria are decisive when choosing the right registrar, and what about the reputation of .at in Austria?

Last May, we conducted a comprehensive survey with the respected online market research institute marketagent, and are pleased to share the results of this customer survey with you.

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/ nic.at News - 13.11.2019 11:30
nic.at Domainfinder now online!

Have you ever experienced the situation that your preferred domain name is already taken? Or that the inspiration to create the perfect domain name will not come? No problem with the nic.at domainfinder - it will help you to find your .at domain! Developed by the nic.at R&D Team, it suggests domain alternatives for each domain search at www.nic.at. Try it out yourself!

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/ Press-Reports - 29.10.2019 10:10
29.10.2019: The Internet turns 50

On 29 October 1969 two computers communicated with each other for the first time over the US science network Arpanet. This marked the birth of the Internet. In 1988, the domestic Top Level Domain .at was added to the Domain Name System, the WWW was invented in 1989 and Austria was connected to the worldwide Internet in 1990. There are now more than 1.3 million .at domains and more than four billion Internet users worldwide. Here is a chronology of events, on the occasion of half a century of the Internet.

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/ nic.at News - 15.10.2019 10:45
Another TLD coup for nic.at’s RcodeZero DNS

nic.at’s RcodeZero DNS service has just started supplying Anycast technology to the Polish domain extension .pl . This means that nic.at infrastructure provides supplementary hosting and security to the seventh biggest ccTLD in the EU with over 2.5 million domains. According DNSperf statistics, RcodeZero DNS is one of the fastest anycast providers worldwide.

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/ nic.at News - 14.10.2019 07:44
CM-SMM project awarded with CENTR Award 2019!

At the beginning of 2018, the CENTR Member Security Maturity Model (CM-SMM for short) was introduced as a joint initiative of DENIC, DNS Belgium, nic.at and SWITCH under the direction of CENTR. The aim of the model is a regular, mutual evaluation of the current security status of domain registries by a so-called self-assessment scorecard. Based on common benchmarks, each registry can measure the development of its security measures, evaluate strengths and weaknesses and initiate improvements.

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/ nic.at News - 08.10.2019 11:43
Looking back at the domain gold rush

At the end of the 20th century the world of internet addresses was in the grips of gold fever. The basic premise: snap up domains on the cheap and sell them on for a fortune. The papers were full of headlines reporting million-dollar deals. But are things still the same today? What is the current state of play on the market? A glimpse behind the scenes at the world of domain trading.

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/ nic.at News - 08.10.2019 09:40
Your own website – 6 decisions to make before you get started

In 1991 the British physicist, IT expert and HTML inventor Tim Berners-Lee laid the foundations for the world wide web with the first website. Four years later, the total had increased to 2,738 websites. Today there are 349 million domains. Websites are no longer the exclusive preserve of companies and organizations – numerous private individuals now in possession of their own sites, whether it’s a blog, an online portfolio or simply a place to publish images, videos and texts. To help find a way out of the maze we have put together a check list outlining the main points that need to be taken into consideration. 

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/ nic.at News - 09.09.2019 11:16
Internet domains ... do I need one?

For companies and more and more private individuals, having their own website has become a matter of course. But what is still not always clear is how to differentiate between the domain name, the website content and all the necessary services such as a name service, web space and email address. The following article is intended to explain what you can use your domain for, and what you need in order to register it.

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/ nic.at News - 14.08.2019 10:50
Just a few clicks to the perfect domain?

The name of a domain is an important part of the way a company, organisation or private individual portrays itself online. Whether it is part of an e-mail address or the website address itself: the domain is ever-present – so it makes sense that it should be selected carefully. While there are various online tools that suggest domain names to help users arrive at the right domain for them, the suggestions are often unusable and are more likely to add to the frustration than lead to a solution. But what trips these tools up, how can they be optimised and how can a little creativity and some good tips help people on their way to that perfect domain name? And what does the development process look like?

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