/ The nic//report 2018 - Anniversary edition

Sep 25

/ nic-Report - 25.09.2018 18:00
The nic//report 2018 - Anniversary edition

We’re really pleased that you have picked up this special anniversary edition of the nic//report. This year we are celebrating our 80th birthday. That can’t be right? Well, it is if you add up all of our jubilees: 10 years of CERT.at, 20 years of Stopline, 20 years of nic.at and 30 years of .at!

To mark the occasion, we asked the birthday boys and girls to share some of the milestones and their own personal highlights with us (page 2). We have also taken a close look at the .at zone and drawn up a map of Austria with a diff erence: the nic.at domain map (page 5). It shows how domain savvy your local area is, what the Austrian domain capital is (clue: it’s not Vienna) and where the nation’s domain hotspots are.

We also have a competition for industry experts and crossword fans with great prizes on page 9. As we are kids of the 80s and 90s we went back to our childhoods for this nic//report. Maybe you are familiar with the photo stories printed in mags like Bravo?

Happy reading!

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